Saturday, May 9, 2009

Make it fun!


I am human.

Not every week I'm jumping for joy to go to the Temple Celebration rehearsals. I often have friends, sports, and school in the way. However, I know that I can choose my attitude once I get there. The attitude I must always choose, and challenge you to choose, is to be happy and cheerful. I can promise if you slap a permanent smile on your face during the rehearsal, your happiness will all come natural.

What I like to do while at rehearsals is make things funs while dancing. Believe me, there is a variety of ways to do that. As 2 Nephis 10:23 says, "Therefore cheer up your hearts, and remember that ye are free to act for yourselves--to choose the way of [boredom at rehearsal] or the way of [absolute fun at rehearsal]." (Hey, look it up!)

My challenge to you is to make rehearsal fun and enjoyable. I promise if you do this, you will find yourself looking forward to it all.


  1. That is so true, and so helpful. Thank you very much, I think it is something we can all get better at

  2. This celebration has been soooooo fun to participate in! I can't wait to perform in front of our Prophet!!

  3. It’s certainly turned around my outlook on the experience. Not only do I look like i'm having fun, I actually am!

  4. Kevin I agree with your words of wisdom! How cool will it be to have the opportunity to perform in front of our Prophet. All the hard practice and time consuming work will be well paid off. You are an example to all of us!
