Monday, April 13, 2009

Who doesn't want life to be better?!


As I have pondered the question for weeks now: "What Will I Give?", I haven't felt anything dawning or groundbreaking sink into my heart.

However, that's is just it.

I'm going to give up the things that may seem harmless and innocent, such as unneeded run ins with my parents or casual gossip at school. It is all so easy to fall into because it is so natural. These things often to me seem all to normal and day to day life. Well, I am going to take it one day at a time, one situation at a time.

I think by accomplishing this goal I will see the bigger picture more clear and become a happier son of God.

It is my hope that after this Easter weekend we can all give something up to the Lord. He gave us everything and He just asks for a small part back. Let us all join the effort to show more gratitude to Jesus Christ. I know that if we do we will all be happier and with that we will be more Christlike and will be just that much better!!

And who doesn't want life to be better?!


  1. I have one thing to say, EVERYDAY I feel like there is something or somehow I can make my life better and/or the people's around me better.

  2. my goal is to not get mad at my sister no matter what she does for a i refrained from calling my sister a brat for teasing me when i broke my new phone and i felt so much better. i realized it wasnt such a big deal and we seem to be cutting back on our usual fights. my day is starting to look and feel a little brighter.

  3. wow, i dont even know where to begin. Kevin you are such a wonderful son of god and you have so much light about you. thanks for your comments i really have started thinking a lot about what i can give back to the lord. and your right, who doest want life to be better?? also, i go to your school and have noticed your spiritual example, i hope i can be a little more like you.

  4. At my work in Draper, I am one of two church members that work there. Each day I get hit hard with all kinds of ramdom temptations,big and small, from the people that I work with. In just a few months,I will be 19 and going on a mission, and I know that the closer that I get to my mission, that more and more temptations will come about.

    But right outside of the stored windows, i can see the Draper Temple. Seeing it makes going to work enjoyable. When I'm faces with the challenges at work I can always just look to the Temple and I know right away to always choose the right. By choosing the right, I know that life will get better. One of my favorit quotes is "It'll all get better. It always does."

  5. I am going to take each day at a time and make the most of it. The temple and the atonement give me hope that I can return to my Father in Heaven. Listening to President Monson helps me to see that I can do better.

  6. KG you are amazing! I love going to the temple and feeling the spirit with you! It truely makes my life better. Thanks for your amazing example to me. LOVE, GB
