Wednesday, April 15, 2009

The Temple is my escape.


The temple is an amazing place. I have not been to that many, but the ones I have visited definitely have left an impression on my mind.

I love visiting the Salt Lake Temple. It's crazy for me to think how the pioneers built it. 40 years it took to build! I couldn't do it...especially knowing they had to haul down huge chunks of stone. It's amazing what people will do for what they believe in. They obviously knew what they were doing was good. I'm glad they stuck with it.
The outside of the Temple is always cool to look at, especially at night. It's just amazing. But the inside is even better. I love walking from outside, hearing the noises of the city, and then...
The moment you step inside, the sounds of the world around disappear and all you notice is your own thoughts and a certain feeling that makes you smile. I love the feeling of peace. I call it my warm and fuzzy.
Life is crazy! Everyone needs a place to run to get away from it all.
Everyone needs a place to escape to and just relax and think.
Sometimes we need someone to talk to.
At the temple, someone is always there to help you.
Drop to your knees.
He will be there for you.
He is always there to talk.
The Temple is my escape.
The Temple is my solitude.
That's why I go.
Why do you go?


  1. I like to go for the same reason. Life definitely is crazy but when you are at the temple, you step away from it all. It feels as if you were holding your breath until you step inside, and you can finally take a deep breath. You can get away from your troubles and think. I love to go to the temple and cant wait til the Oquirrh Mountain Temple opens because I only live five minutes away.

  2. WOW! I've only been to the draper temple that I can remember.I want to go more. I felt amazement when I went, and a girl I know broke her ankle trying to hurry home and she still came! I know my testimony grew then. I love the temple and I want to go more.

  3. Couldn't've said it any better. The temple is my escape too, and I totally agree to the Silence thing! I went and did baptisms at the Salt Lake Temple and like, the second you walk through that door it's like you time traveled to another place, its like the Lord is waiting to great you at the door, and I know he does everytime because he blesses us with that feeling :)
