Saturday, March 7, 2009

A celebration to remember

Hello, everyone out there!
I'm in the Highland Stake and am so excited about the super sweet temples that have been built. I love the temple and the Oquirrh Mountain Temple will be less than 5 minutes away from my house. What a blessing! I can't wait!!

The temple means many things to me but most of all the temple means peace. It is one of the few places where you can have quiet time to think and unwind from all the stress and worries of this world. Whenever I go to the temple in a bad mood and sometimes (regrettably) unwillingly, I always come out a better person and a happier person.

About two years ago, my sister was sealed to her husband in the Salt Lake Temple. I will always remember their faces as they came out of the temple--just beaming from ear to ear. My sister and her husbadn are the best example to me for going to the temple. The go to the temple at least once a week and sometimes more. That is how I want to be someday because the temple is such a great place to be!

All the youth, no matter how old you are, BE EXCITED! We are lucky and fortunate to get two more temples with us. This celebration is going to be incredible. And this blog is not even brushing the surface with all the ways we are spreading the word. Texting, wristbands, poster, the list goes on. (Stay tuned for more info.)

Let's make this a celebration to remember.

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